Monthly Archives: May 2014

I’m Seeing Double, Triple, and More

Let me start by saying I don’t use Photoshop very often.  Probably like most photographers, I prefer be taking pictures and pretty much loath organizing and editing them on my computer.  However, Photoshop is a wonderful tool that can really extend a photographer’s creative vision.  Last weekend, I spent a lazy day on the couch and learned how to combine multiple photos into a single frame; and in doing so, created an action sequence.  I’ve done it here with skiing action, but the technique could be used for all different types of action sports and even wildlife.  Anyway, I learned something new and it has me seeing doubles, triples, and more!

20140406-IMG_2310-01 20140406-_MG_7975-01 20140406-_MG_8020-01 20140406-_MG_8076-01

Categories: Photoshop, Skiing | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

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